Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Twitter Handle

So I realized I didn't add any info about how to follow the conversations on Twitter. I'm sorry! I was too excited about getting things started.

I may have also had to create a new account, so I may have procrastinated a bit.

Anyway, the pertinent information:

Follow me here: @FIBookClub

While we watch movies the hashtag for the conversation will (usually) follow this formula:


The blank will be filled with the initials of the book title, for example later this month when we watch Pride and Prejudice it will look like this:


To be honest we can probably use that hashtag all month long, that way if you are reading and want to share a thought on twitter instead of on here, we can all find it.

Come find me on Twitter!

Disclaimer: I am working on getting better at using Twitter more regularly. In fact, all I've done is set up the account, I haven't even tweeted yet. I will though, I promise!

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